Archiv der Kategorie: Summaries

The – yet – only englishspoken section of Bürgerrechte & Polizei/CILIP. Find here a brief summary of all articles of each edition.


Thematic Focus: Police in Everyday Life

Daily Policing – Access & Retreat: An Introduction
by Jenny Künkel and Norbert Pütter

Where and how do the police interfere in people’s everyday lives – and when don’t they? Whom do the police serve as resource, who calls the police? But also: where do they spring into action without being called, towards whom do they display a particularly high level of commitment? The outcome shows: the meaning of police in everyday civil life strongly depends onthe subject’s social standing. Summaries weiterlesen


Thematic Focus: Corona Pandemic – The CILIP Diary

Diary of Homeland Security: Chronicle of the Corona Pandemic
by the CILIP Editorial Team

The fight against the new Corona virus in Germany entails restrictions of fundamental rights that were beyond imagination until recently. By documenting the developments that took place from 25 February to 15 May 2020, as a civil liberties organisation, we aim to contribute to the complete push back of all these new laws, regulations, and provisions. Summaries weiterlesen


Thematic Focus: Police Data Culture

Looking Ahead Through the Data Jungle. Datafication and Prevention – An Introduction
by Benjamin Derin, Christian Meyer and Friederike Wegner

That governments are interested in data is by no means a new insight. But with advancing digitalization, potential uses for information are reaching new levels – and so is their pursuit by the police. The already large administrative appetite for data is now falling upon a more susceptible society that is increasingly adhering to the dogma of prevention and is redefining its understanding of security and risk. Summaries weiterlesen


Thematic Focus: Customs – More than a Financial Police

What can and does customs do? An introduction
by Eric Töpfer

Customs is not only financial administration, but also a police of the federal government. With its around 40,000 employees, customs therefore plays a central role in the field of internal security. Nevertheless, it is in the shadow of the federal and state police forces and the intelligence services, and civil rights critics are rarely interested in its activities. The article provides an introductory overview of the various tasks and powers and the organization of the customs administration and traces how these have changed over the years. Summaries weiterlesen


40 Years of CILIP

Transformation and Continuity – Four Decades of Critique of “Internal Security”
by Norbert Pütter

Founded in 1978, CILIP is a child of the seventies which were marked by the experience of the fight against terrorism, the occupational bans against left wing people and a technocratic police reform. The subjects and focal points of the journal varied over the years – from protest policing to covert police methods to – once again since 2001 – anti-terrorism. Civil liberties as guiding principles meant not only search for new forms of monitoring of police and intelligence services, but also reflections on alternatives to police or at least a fundamental reform. Summaries weiterlesen


Thematic Focus: Impending Danger

Anticipatory Tendencies in Criminal Law
by Benjamin Derin

The traditional separation of police action into preventive measures according to police law and repressive criminal prosecution according to criminal procedure is becoming increasingly blurred. Today, criminal law too is measured by its ability to prevent crimes. This manifests itself in the constant advancing of anticipatory tendencies in both the material definition of criminal offenses and procedural investigative powers. These developments are accompanied by a progressive loss of suspects’ rights. Summaries weiterlesen


Thematic focus: militarization – policification

Not a state of emergency – an introduction
by Heiner Busch

Fifty years after the passage of the emergency laws, domestic military operations have once more appeared on the political agenda, and counter-terrorism is used to legitimize the arming of police forces with new weaponry. The shift in the relationship between police and the military initially became visible during deployments abroad. However, it does not adhere to the concept of a state of emergency – dreamt up as the combating of insurgencies – that shaped the development of the governmental apparatus of force in the Federal Republic of Germany. Summaries weiterlesen


Thematic focus: The city as a dangerous place

Securitized cities
by Bernd Belina

Cities are considered to be spaces of insecurity and crime. Policing and other measures of security are traditionally legitimized by the fear of “dangerous classes“ and “foreigners“. Such “securizations“ are always a reaction to social processes. Currently this is particularly the case with processes of gentrification (i.e. the realization of capital through urbanization), migration questions and urban protests. Summaries weiterlesen